May 4—21, 2024, Yerevan, Armenia
Elena Gubanova, Ivan Govorkov, Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, 2013. ARe՜ Fest, Arno Babajanyan Concert Hall, Yerevan, Armenia, 2024. Photo: Anton Khlabov
We are pleased to announce that the installation "Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow" by Elena Gubanova & Ivan Govorkov will take part in ARe՜ Fest, Yerevan, Armenia, 2024 from May 4 to 21. The 10th edition of the ARé Fest METAMORPHOSIS is a tribute to the centenary of Franz Kafka's passing. The KAFKAESQUE exhibition curated by Marine Karoyan and Arevik Arevshatyan explores contemporary interpretations of Franz Kafka's literature through visual art objects that capture the essence of our modern world.
In their installation Elena Gubanova & Ivan Govorkov tried to express the drama of a modern man. It is impossible to escape from a socially tightened mind. These rules and taboos are represented by plastic bags placed on the heads of mannequins. This becomes a symbol of freedom, equality and fraternity, of aesthetics and art, of emotions and feelings. Man, socially inoculated in his childhood, becomes sluggish and hopelessly gray. Past, present, and future stick together in a single chain of his external breathing, inhaling and exhaling. And it remains in sharp contrast to the grimace of the suffocating person who silently cries under the bag of time and society.
Supported by CYLAND MediaArtLab
On view at the Arno Babajanyan Concert Hall, Yerevan, Armenia
May 4—21, 2024
Open daily from 11:00 to 19:00
Admission free