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November 5—29, 2024, National Arts Club, New York, USA

Images on the front: L-R, top row:  Oleg Vassiliev, The House of Anzer, 2001. Oil on canvas, 34 x 24 in. Kolodzei Art Foundation  Petr Belenok, The Long Search, 1971. Indian ink, tempera, collage on paper, 24-3/16 x 33-7/8 in. Kolodzei Art Foundation  Ellen Levy, Conversations at a Nuclear Plant, 2024.  Archival print, Unity/Vuforia AR program, 60 x 88 in. Courtesy of the Artist.  Alexandra Dementieva with Midjourney AI application' assistance, Kquaanians’ Panpsychism, 2022. Print on PVC 360 g/m2, AR, ARTIVIVE, ¼, 60 x 40 cm, Soundtrack Phill Niblock, Courtesy of the Artist.  Bottom row:  Valery Koshlyakov, Reproduction I,  from the series Reproductions, 1996. Collage, mixed media on canvas, 78 x 58 in. Kolodzei Art Foundation  Lev Manovich, Ideal City, 2024. Digital image created with Midjourney AI, Gigapixel AI and Lightroom, 22-1/8 x 20-3/4 in. Courtesy of the Artist.  Yefim Ladyzhensky, Everyone is Mortal, 1978-1979. Oil on canvas, 39 1/2 x 35 1/2 in. Kolodzei Art Foundation  Shimon Okshteyn, Button, 2000. Graphite, mixed media on canvas, 58 x 58 in. Kolodzei Art Foundation  Anna Frants, Vagaries of Affections, 2023. Installation, Arduino C, Python; Raspberry Pi 3, Arduino controllers; stepper and servo motors, aluminum tubes, steel, PLA plastic and paper acoustic horn, vinyl records, podium. Engineers: Philipp Avetisov, Denis Andreev, Eugene Ovsyannikov, Dmitry Shirokov. Supported by CYLAND MediaArtLab.

CYFEST 15: Vulnerability at National Arts Club

15 Gramercy Park South, New York, NY 10003

November 5—29, 2024

Since its inception in 2007, CYFEST’s main concerns have been to examine the dialogue between various visual languages and technology cultures, and thus to explore a way of communing with both art professionals and scientific communities. CYFEST unites artists, curators, educators, engineers, programmers and media activists from all over the world, and creates an inclusive platform for mapping, mediation, and documentation of new media art on different regional and international levels. CYFEST is one of the world’s few nomadic cultural events.

CYFEST 15: Vulnerability exhibition explores the multifaceted nature of vulnerability, examining its impact on ecosystems, memory, the (anti)fragility of human and non-human bodies, and the intricate intersections of biological, social, and cyberspaces. The exhibition features a diverse range of artworks, ranging from digital and multimedia to painting, that explore future scenarios, our evolving relationship with the world, and the delicate balance between the natural and technological realms. From the fragility of aging media art to the dynamic equilibrium within ecosystems, these works offer thought-provoking perspectives on vulnerability and its implications for our future.

CYFEST 15: Vulnerability is a series of traveling exhibitions hosted worldwide. CYFEST 15 took place in Yerevan, Armenia and Miami, USA, in 2023, and Venice, Italy, in 2024.

The exhibition features an interdisciplinary group of artists and collectives working in the fields of painting, drawing, installation, film and video, photography and new media.  The list of artists in New York exhibition includes Jüri Arrak,  Petr Belenok, Ludmila Belova, Alexandra Dementieva, Asya Dodina and Slava Polishchuk, Sirje Eelma, Anna Frants, Anton Ginzburg, Elena Gubanova and Ivan Govorkov, Valery Koshlyakov, Yefim Ladyzhensky, Tatiana Levitsksaia, Ellen K. Levy, Silvi Liiva, Lev Manovich, Lydia Masterkova, Alexander Ney, Shimon Okshteyn, Patricia Olynyk, Leonid Sokov, Oleg Vassiliev, Sergei Volokhov, Vladimir Yankilevsky.   

In conjunction with CYFEST 15, the theme of Vulnerability is further explored in Leonardo, the peer-reviewed journal of the International Society for Arts, Science, and Technology, published in partnership with MIT Press.

The exhibition is free and open to the public. Gallery hours are Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday, from 10 a.m to 4 p.m.

The exhibition is organized by CYLAND Foundation in collaboration with the Kolodzei Art Foundation and  Leonardo. The exhibition is sponsored by OneMarketData. 

For more information or high-resolution images, please contact: Natalia Kolodzei


CYLAND is a nonprofit organization founded in 2007 by independent artists and curators. For over 15 years, CYLAND has been dedicated to supporting the production and exhibition of New Media Art. We promote the emergence of new forms of art and high technology interactions, develop professional connections between artists, curators, engineers and programmers around the world and expose wide audiences to works in the field of robotics, video art, sound art and net art. Emerging or established, local or international, our selected artists are provided with resources, from technicians to equipment and professional development. Over the years, CYLAND has held the annual CYFEST, organizing and participating in various exhibition projects around the world, working on sound and video art archives.

About Leonardo/ISAST

A fearless pioneer since 1968, Leonardo serves as THE community forging a transdisciplinary network to convene, research, collaborate and disseminate best practices at the nexus of arts, science and technology worldwide. Leonardo serves a network of transdisciplinary scholars, artists, scientists, technologists and thinkers who experiment with new, cutting-edge approaches, practices, systems and solutions to tackle the most complex challenges facing humanity today.  

As a not-for-profit 501(c)3 enterprising think tank, Leonardo offers a global platform for creative exploration and collaboration, reaching tens of thousands of people across 135 countries. Our flagship publication, Leonardo, the world’s leading scholarly journal on transdisciplinary art, anchors a robust publishing partnership with MIT Press; our partnership with Arizona State University infuses educational innovation with digital art and media for lifelong learning. Our creative programs span thought-provoking events, exhibits, residencies and fellowships, scholarship and social enterprise ventures.  

More information can be found at

About Kolodzei Art Foundation

The Kolodzei Art Foundation, a 501(c)(3) US-based nonprofit corporation founded in 1991, arranges art exhibitions in museums, universities and cultural centers throughout the United States and Europe, often utilizing the considerable resources of the Kolodzei Collection of Russian and Eastern European Art. The Kolodzei Art Foundation collection consists of over 7,000 works of nonconformist and contemporary art, including paintings, drawings, sculptures, photographs, video and new media, by more than 300 artists from Eastern Europe and Russia. The Kolodzei Art Foundation also arranges cultural exchanges and publishes books on art and encourages a more diverse arts world.

About The National Arts Club 

Founded in 1898, the National Arts Club is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with a mission to stimulate, foster, and promote public interest in the arts and to educate the American people in the fine arts. Annually, the Club offers more than 150 free programs to the public, including exhibitions, theatrical and musical performances, and lectures and readings, attracting an audience of more than 30,000 members of the general public. Featured programs focus on all disciplines of the arts. For a full list of events or to learn more, please visit

Images on the front: L-R, top row:

Oleg Vassiliev, The House of Anzer, 2001. Oil on canvas, 34 x 24 in. Kolodzei Art Foundation

Petr Belenok, The Long Search, 1971. Indian ink, tempera, collage on paper, 24-3/16 x 33-7/8 in. Kolodzei Art Foundation

Ellen Levy, Conversations at a Nuclear Plant, 2024.  Archival print, Unity/Vuforia AR program, 60 x 88 in. Courtesy of the Artist.

Alexandra Dementieva with Midjourney AI application' assistance, Kquaanians’ Panpsychism, 2022. Print on PVC 360 g/m2, AR, ARTIVIVE, ¼, 60 x 40 cm, Soundtrack Phill Niblock, Courtesy of the Artist.

Bottom row:

Valery Koshlyakov, Reproduction I,  from the series Reproductions, 1996. Collage, mixed media on canvas, 78 x 58 in. Kolodzei Art Foundation

Lev Manovich, Ideal City, 2024. Digital image created with Midjourney AI, Gigapixel AI and Lightroom, 22-1/8 x 20-3/4 in. Courtesy of the Artist.

Yefim Ladyzhensky, Everyone is Mortal, 1978-1979. Oil on canvas, 39 1/2 x 35 1/2 in. Kolodzei Art Foundation

Shimon Okshteyn, Button, 2000. Graphite, mixed media on canvas, 58 x 58 in. Kolodzei Art Foundation. ©Estate of Shimon Okshteyn. All Rights Reserved 

Anna Frants, Vagaries of Affections, 2023. Installation, Arduino C, Python; Raspberry Pi 3, Arduino controllers; stepper and servo motors, aluminum tubes, steel, PLA plastic and paper acoustic horn, vinyl records, podium. Engineers: Philipp Avetisov, Denis Andreev, Eugene Ovsyannikov, Dmitry Shirokov. Supported by CYLAND MediaArtLab.

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